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  • Leave a Legacy of Love

    Plan Ahead
  • Choices to Honor Every Life

    Services Overview (Including Natural Burial)
  • Serving Families with Compassionate Care

    Our Staff
  • Committed to the Highest Standards of Service Excellence

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Welcome to

Voie Funeral & Cremation Care

The Voie Funeral Home welcomes you to our website. We've been assisting families since 1884. Dedicated to the highest level of personal service that only a family owned and operated funeral home can provide, we stand ready to answer any questions you may have. After browsing our website, call us at 715-445-2560 to set up a no obligation consultation. Voie Funeral Home is committed to personal meaningful service. You can count on our experienced professional staff to serve you as you wish to be served in your hour of need.

A funeral service fills several important needs in today's society. First of all, it provides for the dignified and respectful care of the deceased. It's a special tribute to a unique life. Equally important, the funeral service helps survivors face the reality of death- the first big step toward overcoming grief. Together, close friends and relatives can lend support and consolation when they're needed most. A funeral also gives friends and relatives an opportunity to express the love and respect they feel for someone who was important to them. Many times, just seeing how much others cared can be a tremendous help to a family in adjusting to their loss.

We invite you to visit our funeral home at anytime and we are located at 120 S. Main Street in the Village of Iola.


How Can We Help You

We offer distinctive, personal, and affordable services designed to help you honor your loved one in a way that is unique to them and meaningful to you.

We’ve created this easy to use form that lets you start the process by gathering basic information.

While the grieving process is different for each of us, we all experience some common feelings as we work toward healing from our loss.

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